Sunday, 23 August 2009

"Free Day"

It's 2:30 AM, my head is still pounding from the club, and I have to wake up in 5 hours. So what do I do? I open up my blog and write a new post.

Today was quite the adventure. In the morning, I woke up and walked to a nearby Starbucks, got a cup of coffee, and read the local newspaper. It was refreshing to just be alone and take everything in. Afterwards, I met up with Thomas and we went to buy our cell phones. After much searching around, we settled on the "Skypephone" with the "3 Network".

In that line of shops, there was also a food fair of some sort. They are there every Saturday, and it's a collection of food vendors from distinct backgrounds. I saw falafel and grape stuffed leaves, meats from Brazil, Asian yakitori, and fruits/veggies from the local farms. Thomas and I ended up getting a scallop plate, complete with noodles and vegetables. Oh, it was good.

After resting, we took a trip to Picadilly Square to catch a Manchester United game at a pub. We went with our two other roommates, Manny and Carlos and settled into a bar that was described to us by a local Brit as "a very shitty Americanized bar". Nevertheless, it was one of the few pubs showing the match. We ordered a pitcher of beer and grubbed on some burgers. It felt good to be American for a moment.

At night, all of us went out clubbing. The policy in England is different than America. Here, they can care less if a bunch of girls are walking in, they will rarely give discounts let alone let them go in for free. After bargaining with a few clubs, we settled at a club called "On Anon" where the bouncer let us get in for 7 pounds each (it was Aaron and I with 8 other girls). The music was alright, and the vibe wasn't anything special. I just got home maybe 30 minutes ago, so it's time for me to get some rest before the tour coach of London tomorrow morning.

In the meantime, cheers!

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