On Wednesday, I was graced with the presence of dramatic history!! Our program had arranged for us to see the play "As You Like It" at Shakespeare's Globe. It was a show I was really looking forward to because I remember studying it in English class with Mrs. Alvarez. As somewhat of a Thespian, I appreciate and respect the impact of William Shakespeare on the world of Drama.
At first, I did not recognize the title of the play so I thought it would be unfamiliar. Upon some research on Wikipedia, I realized that the play has the popular Shakespearean line, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." This was the quote I had used in my senior bio! Because of this, I was looking even more forward to seeing the play to see those words come to life.
Jenna, Sara, and I went early so we can get some good seats, seats meaning placed to stand. Yep, we stood for three hours long, just how they used to do it back in the day. The actual Globe burned down in the late 1600's, and they built this exact replica in 1997 (right on the Thames River), so it is relatively new. But they built is as an exact replica, with the roof completely open. If it were to rain, the show would still continue with the actors and the audience being drenched. But not all the audience members were standing: the outer side of the Globe has seats that are covered, and these seats used to be for the wealthy. Even today, I think those seats cost a lot more than our standing tickets.
The show was great. It was about lovers crossing paths. My favorite character was the Jester, who provided nothing short of non-stop humor and clever wit. I was surprised to see the show end with a really happy ending, especially since most of Shakespeare's plays end in death. Overall, I had a great time at the Globe, and plan on going back to see another show, possibly Romeo & Juliet or Hamlet. I also recommend all other Thespians to take a visit, it is definitely a special place.
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