"Why did the football coach go to the bank? To get his quarterback."
Now let me ask you, would you ever pay $20 to see a comedian at the Improv say these jokes? No, because they are not racist, sexist, or homophobic (and that's the truth).
Tracy Morgan recently said that if his son were gay, he'd stab him with a knife, and that women should be in the kitchen cooking rather than becoming CEOs. Michael Richards told his security to get rid of the "niggers" in the audience during his well-documented rant. Although these statements took place in the context of a comic routine, these specific instances have been repeatedly highlighted within mainstream media, carrying the heavy power to completely destroy the comedians reputation while consequently ending their careers.
Yeah, they might have been on the extreme side, but that's what comedians do. Their content revolves around making fun of the world we live in, which includes different races, genders, and sexualities. After a long day at work, people want to kick back and see some guy talk about something NOT politically correct, something that might be on their own mind but obviously not expressed for societal reasons.
In the wake of Morgan's recent scandal, does he deserve to be treated by the media with statements like "anti-Gay tirade," "homophobic rant," or "violent and disturbing"? If we're following these standards and protocols, shouldn't every comedian be put under the spotlight after every act?
Here are similar jokes by comics that probably didn't make it to the 5-o'clock news.
Carlos Mencia: "It's never a good idea to sit next to KHHKH on an airplane. Those fuckers hate us, and if you see a KHHKH flying the plane, don't be surprised if he comes on the intercom and says the planes going to fly into a building...it's what they do!"
Dane Cook: "I was swerving in my lane and as I was stopped at the red light, the guy tells me 'can you please not swerve anymore?', but if he was black he'd say, 'stop that motherfucker!"
Sarah Silverman: "I was raped by a doctor, which is so bittersweet for a Jewish girl."
Ultimately, you can't punish Richards if you're not gonna punish douchebag Dane for his (unfunny) jokes against black people. And if you're looking at a comedian to act as your moral compass, do our society a favor and move to Canada.
just because his words took place in a comedic context does not make his words inoffensive and acceptable