Thursday, 4 February 2010

The Amazon Failure

So upon opening my email this morning, I started my day with frustration. An email from was titled "Amazon Kindle: Free two-day shipping." Really? You think free shipping is your problem?

For those who are clueless about new media, the Kindle is basically an e-book, an electronic version of a book. I know, this was one idea not to be adapted for the technological age. It was released in 2007 - three years ago....and I have yet to see someone in public holding this e-book.

I'm not much of a reader, but if I was, I wouldn't be a kindle-reader. It's basically a 4x5 inch flat "pad", which is to be placed in the hands of a reader. I hate the concept. Why throw out the original book format...a tangible, tree scented, visually appealing, and magical format? As I stated earlier, I don't read much, but I really enjoy going to book stores and perusing around. Imagine if book stores seized to exist...the average reader would have to go on to buy "books" while trying to circumnavigate thru fake handbags for sale or the "speed bullet" food chopper. Each "e-book" costs on average of $8.00. Why buy something online when no one can see you when you can walk into a trendy book store and be seen buying books like an indie, Hollywood intellectual?

Amazon should drop this venture of theirs. Yea, they have spent millions of dollars on the Kindle, but obviously to no avail. The tangible book is here to stay.

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